Etnoscience Berbasis Contextual Learning Melalui Pemanfaatan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Universitas Samudra sebagai Media Pembelajaran di Masa Pandemi
Ethnoscience, Contextual Learning, Green Open Space (RTH)Abstract
Samudra University (abbreviated as UNSAM) is one of the State Universities located in Langsa City - Aceh Province, Indonesia. Samudra University Main Campus is located in Meurandeh with an area of 49.5 Ha with various public facilities and infrastructure. Apart from that, in the area of Samudra University there are also several points of green open areas that can be used by lecturers as learning media outside the classroom. With the existence of green open areas, students, especially the Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) study program, can see, observe, identify, explain, and analyze all components, both biotic and abiotic, found around the area. The aim of this research is that it is hoped that students at the University of Samudra (UNSAM), especially students of the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, will be closer to nature and be able to identify various biotic and abiotic components in Green Open Spaces (RTH). The method used in this research is to make an observation area (plot) with an area of 10 m x 10 m. From the results of identifying biotic and abiotic components in the green open area of the University of Samudra (UNSAM), it was found that the identified animal species in the observation area consisted of various types of macroorganisms such as soil insects, earthworms, moths, frogs, snails and spiders. While the plant species that dominate the observation area consist of graminae, thallophyta, bryophyta, epiphytic plants, pteridophyta, saga trees, mahogany trees and Mangkok leaves. However, the observation area was dominated by 4 species of pteridophyta (ferns).
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