Belajar Hadis Revolution Era 4.0 di SDIT Hikmatul Fadillah
Learning, Hadith, Era 4.0Abstract
Students at the elementary school level (Elementary School) in this era are fond of HP (Hand Phone), so teachers have to compete with this object. This problem is also an obstacle for hadith teachers, especially at SDIT Hikmatul Fadillah. This challenge prompted researchers to research hadith learning in the 4.0 era, the aim of which is to make it easier for teachers to ship hadiths to students at SDIT Hikmatul Fadillah. The research method used by researchers is to look at hadith broadcasts on You Tube. Researchers used a descriptive qualitative research design. The results of the conclusion of this study are that children enjoy memorizing hadiths, so that learning hadiths can proceed according to the assessment standards.
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