The Effect of Extensive Reading on Students’ Reading Comprehension in SMA Al-Hikmah Medan Marelan
Extensive Reading, , Reading Comprehension, ReadingAbstract
The objectives of this research as follows: to find out the significant effect of extensive on the students reading comprehension, to find out the percentation effect of extensive on the students reading comprehension. This study will be conducted by using an experimental design. It is a research which consist of two group, they are experimental and control groups. The researcher will give twice test to the students. The first test is pre-test and the second post-test while there are teaching activities or treatment between both tests. research results show that result of the study is Students' reading comprehension before implementing the extensive reading model was in the sufficient category with an average score of 68.21 with the highest score being 85 and the lowest being 60. Students' reading comprehension after implementing the extensive reading model is in the good category with an average score of 82.26 with the highest score being 100 and the lowest being 65. The effect of extensive reading has a positive influence on students' reading comprehension with the hypothesis results, namely and (4.553 > 1.989) which means Ha is accepted
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